

漱石「最後の挨拶」坊っちゃん篇 15



US    Translated by Charles Kay Ogden ( Dover Publications, INC. , New York 1999 )
UK    Translated by D. F. Pears & B. F. McGuinness ( Routledge & Kegan Paul , London 1974 )

6- 43 善なり悪なりの意志の動き・振る舞いが世界を変えるとしても、変えられるのは世界の全体の形であって、1つ1つの事実――言葉によって表される事実ではない。つまりどのような意志も世界を変えることは出来ない。

US6- 43 If good or bad willing changes the world, it can only change the limits of the world, not the fact; not the things that can be expressed in language.
     In brief, the world must thereby become quite aonther.    It must so to speak wax or wane as a whole.
     The world of the happy is quite another than that of the unjappy.

UK6- 43 If the good or bad exercise of the will does alter the world, it can alter only the limits of the world, not the fact –– not what can be expressed by means of language.
    In short the effect must be that it becomes an altogether defferent world.    It must, so to speak, wax and wane as a whole.
    The world of the happy man is a defferent one from that of the unjappy man.

6- 431 それはまた、死によって世界は変わらず、世界が存在することを止めるのに似ている。

6- 4311 死は人生の一イベントではない。死は人の経験値に収まり切るようなものではない。

6- 4312 霊魂の不滅、人間の魂が死後も生き続けることを証明した者はいないが、たとえそんなことがあったとしてもそれが何の役に立つだろうか。私が永遠に生き続けたとして、それで謎が1つでも解けるか。その永遠の生なるものもまた、現在の私の生と同様、謎に満ちたものではないか。時間と空間の内にある生の謎を解くものは、時間と空間の「外」にある。

US6- 431 As in death, too, the world does not change, but cease.

6- 4311 Death is not an event of life. Death is not lived through.
    If by eternity is understood not endless temporal duration but timelessness, then he lives eternally who lives in the present.
    Our life is endless in the way that our visual field is without limit.

6- 4312 The temporal immortality of the human soul, that is to say, its eternal survival after death, is not only in to way guaranteed, but this assumption in the first place will not do for us what we always tried to make it do.    Is a riddle solved by the fact that I survive for ever ?    Is this eternal life not as enigmatic as our present one ?    The solution of the riddle of life in space and time lies outside space and time.
    ( It is not problems of natural science which have to be solved. )

UK6- 431 So too at death the world does not alter, but comes to an end.

6- 4311 Death is not an event in life: we do not live to experience death.
    If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present.
    Our life has no end in just the way in which our visual field has no limits.

6- 4312 Not only is there no guarantee of the temporal immortality of the human soul, that is to say of its eternal survival after death; but, in any case, this assumption completely fails to accomplish  the purpose for which it has always been intended.    Or is some riddle solved by my surviving for ever ?    Is not this eternal life itself as much of a riddle as our present life ?    The solution of the riddle of life in space and time lies outside space and time.
    ( It is certainly not the solution of any problems of natural science that is required. )

6- 432 世界がどのように見えるかは、より高い次元からすれば完全にどうでもよいことである。神は世界の中には姿を現したりしない。

6- 4321 事実(ファクト)はただ問題の中だけにある。解き方の中にはない。

US6- 432 How the world is, is completely indifferent for what is higher.    God does not reveal himself in the world.

6- 4321 The facts all belong only to the task and not to its performance.

UK6- 432 How things are in the world is a matter of complete indifference for what is higher.    God does not reveal himself in the world.

6- 4321 The facts all contribute only to setting the problem, not to its solution.

6- 44 世界の「在り方」が神秘なのではない。世界が「在ること」が神秘である。

US6- 44 Not how the world is, is the mystical, but that it is.

UK6- 44 It is not how things are in the world that is mystical, but that it exists.

6- 45 スピノザのいう、世界を直感で見るということは、自分の見ているものがそのまま世界のすべてであると感じるということだ。この感じがすなわち神秘である。(見えないものを信じるのだから。)

US6- 45 The contemplation of the world sub specie aeterni is its contemplation as a limited whole.
    The feeling of the world as a limited whole is the mystical feeling.

UK6- 45 To view the world sub specie aeterni is to view it as a whole –– a limited whole.
    Feeling the world as a limited whole –– it is this that is mysticaf.

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 6- 4311を前著(『明暗』に向かって)で1行だけ引用したときは、


 というUS版( Death is not lived through. )の逐語訳に近い訳文を採用した。UK版( We do not live to experience death. )を逐語訳すると、











